Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

When Merapi Disaster Happened

November, 5th was the climax of Merapi disaster in 2010. When it is happened, only I, my brother, and my sister were in my home.

November 4th. After going home, I was watching the TV when my brother came and told me that my neighbour had got ready to evacuate. It made me panic but I decided to be calm.

I was so sleepy so I fell asleep. But I was disturbed when I heard my window quaked. It was earthquake! Yes, it was volcanic earthquake from Merapi.

Night came and the quake felt greater. I, my brother, and my sister watched news about Merapi on TV. Suddenly, someone knocked the door. She was  my neighbour. She told me that she wanted to go to Bantul. She was afraid in Sleman because of  Merapi disaster effects. She also told me that almost all of my neighbours had gone too.

Actually, I felt so afraid and I did not know what I must do. So I decided to let the night flowed as usual. I had my brother and my sister go to bed. I forced myself to sleep but I could not.

About 00.30 I heard something fell on the roofs. I woke up my brother and went to outside my home. Obviously that was pebbles rain from Merapi. I looked around my home and I had already realized that no one again.

Finally I decided to go to my cousin’s home in Jogja with my brother and my sister. I was afraid if something dangerous occurred. We rode motorcycles and used coats because of pebbles and water rain. Fortunately the ways that we passed was so lively because of refugees so that we were not afraid rode motorcycle in midnight.